Walder Wyss Ltd

Swiss, German

Germany, Switzerland, England & Wales (barrister, non-practising)

Geneva / Switzerland

Energy/commodities, IP, construction

English, German, French

Mag. iur. (2006, Konstanz/DE); German bar (2008); LL.B. (2011, London/UK); Dr. iur. (2011, Geneva/CH); barrister (2014, Lincoln's Inn); Swiss bar (2018); Privatdozent (2022, Fribourg/CH)

Arbitrating Blockchain and Smart Contract Disputes – Lessons to be Learnt from Commodities and Shipping Arbitration?, ASA Bulletin 2022, 309-331 (co-author)

Co-editor of the Swiss Arbitration Association's ASA Bulletin; former regional coordinator of DIS40 in Switzerland

Arbitration practitioner since 2008, with professional experience in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Singapore; acting as counsel in international commercial arbitration proceedings and sitting as arbitrator (so far under ICC, LCIA and Swiss Rules).

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