Riccardo Giuliano Figueira Torre

Wald, Antunes, Vita e Blattner Advogados

Brazilian and Italian


São Paulo

Arbitration and Litigation

English, German and Spanish

University of São Paulo Law School - LLB (2010)
University of São Paulo Law School - Master of Laws (2015)
University of São Paulo Law School - PhD (ongoing - 2019-2022)
New York University Schoof of Law - LL.M. (2017-18) - Arthur T. Vanderbilt Scholar


The revolution of public-private arbitrations in Brasil and the dangers of a counter-revolution (In the original: A revolução das arbitragens público-privadas no Brasil e os perigos de uma contrarrevolução). A evolução do Direito no século XXI: seus princípios e valores (ESG, liberdade, regulação, igualdade e segurança jurídica). Homenagem ao Professor Arnoldo Wald [to be published in 2022].

The application of the New York Convention and the public order concept in times of pandemics (In the original: Aplicação da Convenção de Nova York e do conceito de ordem pública em tempos de pandemia). Collective book on the 20 years of the ractification of the NYC by Brazil (co-authored with Arnoldo Wald and Antonio Alberto Rondina Cury) [to be published in 2022].

The 21st century and the access to arbitration (In the original: O se´culo XXI e o acesso a` arbitragem). Collective book as a tribute to Prof. Carlos Alberto Carmona (co-authored with Arnoldo Wald) [to be published in 2022].

The modernization and democratization of arbitration (In the original: A modernização e democratização da arbitragem). Os desafios da modernização da arbitragem e da mediação no século XXI (co-authored with Arnoldo Wald) [to be published in 2022].

Third-party funding and the regulation of the duty of disclosure in arbitration (In the original: O third-party funding e a regulamentação do dever de revelação nas arbitragens). Os desafios da modernização da arbitragem e da mediação no século XXI [to be published in 2022].

Class arbitration in Brazil and the approval of the first arbitration rules on the subject (In the original: A arbitragem coletiva no Brasil e a aprovação do primeiro regulamento sobre o tema). WALD, Arnoldo; LEMES, Selma Ferreira. 25 anos da Lei de Arbitragem (1996-2021), RT/Thomson Reuters, 2021.

Arbitration with public entities in Brazil: established present, future at risk? (In the original: A arbitragem coletiva com entes da Administração Pública: presente consolidado, futuro em xeque?). WALD, Arnoldo; LEMES, Selma Ferreira. 25 anos da Lei de Arbitragem (1996-2021), RT/Thomson Reuters, 2021.

The constitutional amendment bill on “precatórios” and the latest attempt to default the creditors and arbitration itself (In the original: A PEC dos Precatórios e a nova tentative de calote aos credores e à arbitragem). Consultor Jurídico (Conjur), available at https://www.conjur.com.br/2021-ago-27/torre-pec-precatorios-tentativa-calote, August 27, 2021.

The duty to inform and the full disclosure in corporate law (In the original: O dever de informar e o full disclosure no direito societa´rio). Arbitragem Coletiva Societa´ria (1st ed., coord. By Andre´ Lui´s Monteiro, Guilherme Setoguti and Renato Beneduzi), 2021. Co-authored with Arnoldo Wald.

New horizons and tools for transparency in arbitration (In the original: Novos horizontes e instrumentos para a transparência na arbitragem). FGV Blog de Arbitragem, available at https://www.fgvblogdearbitragem.com.br/post/novos-horizontes-e-instrumentos-para-a-transpar%C3%AAncia-na-arbitragem, June 24, 2021 (co-authored with Antonio Alberto Rondina Cury).

Finding consent in class arbitration: a Brazilian perspective, Young Arbitration Review, Ed. 39, October 2020, pp. 15- 21 (co-authored with Marcela Melichar Suassuna).

2019 retrospective: a year of democratizing the use of arbitration (In the original: Retrospectiva 2019: ano foi de democratizac¸a~o da arbitragem). Consultor Juri´dico (Conjur), available at https://www.conjur.com.br/2020-jan-06/direito- empresarial-ano-foi-democratizacao-arbitragem, January 6, 2020.

Arbitration in the Public Administration: from legal security to the attraction of foreign investments (In the original: Arbitragem na Administrac¸a~o Pu´blica: da seguranc¸a juri´dica a` atrac¸a~o do capital estrangeiro). Consultor Juri´dico (Conjur), September 25, 2019, available at https://www.conjur.com.br/2019-set-25/opiniao-arbitragem-seguranca-juridica-capital- estrangeiro (co-authored with Arnoldo Wald).

The validity of arbitration clauses inserted in adhesion contracts vis-a`-vis the competence-competence principle: a comparative analysis between Latin America and the United States. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediac¸a~o, No. 62, Jul./Set. 2019, pp. 185-210.

The meaning of foreign and nondomestic awards under the New York Convention. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediac¸a~o, No. 59, Out./Dez. 2018, pp. 247-276.

The annulment of prima facie pathological arbitration clauses as a new exception to the competence-competence principle: analyzing the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice’s decision vis-à-vis u.s. case law. Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 56, Jan./Mar. 2018.

Note about the arbitral award rendered on the South China Sea Arbitration, from The Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration (The Republic of the Philippines v. The People’s Republic of China). Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 50, Jul./Sep. 2016 (co-author)

Commentary on decision rendered by the Superior Court of Justice on Special Appeal no. 1569422 about the validity of an arbitration clause contained in a separate document, not inserted in the contract. Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 50, Jul./Sep. 2016 (co-author)

Commentary on decision rendered by the São Paulo State Court on Appeal no. 9000017-20.2013.8.26.0100 (ALL – América Latina Logística et alii. vs. Agrovia). Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 49, Apr./June 2016, at 517-530 (co-author).

Arbitration in Brazil: from childhood to maturity. Published in Financier Worldwide, Nov. 2015, available at http://www.financierworldwide.com/arbitration-in-brazil-from-childhood-to-maturity/#.VnMDONJVhHy (co-author).

Commentary on decision rendered by the São Paulo State Court on Appeal no. 0002163-90.2013.8.26.0100 (Paranapanema vs. Banco Santander and Banco BTG Pactual). Review of the book entitled “Med-arb clauses: commercial mediation in the context of arbitration”, written by Fernanda Levy (“Cláusulas escalonadas. A mediação comercial no contexto da arbitragem”). Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 44, Apr./June 2015, respectively at 237-260 and 405-408.

2014 ICC Brazilian Arbitration Day. Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 42, Jul./Sep. 2014, at 427-434.

Judicial review of arbitral proceedings? (Controle judicial do processo arbitral?). Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 38, Jul./Sep. 2013, at 283-320.

Commentary on decision rendered by the São Paulo State Court on Appeal n. 0149190-48.2011.8.26.0100 (Pecuária Unit Santa Clara vs. BNF Investimentos). Published in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, No. 36, Apr./June 2013, at 435-439.

Tax war over VAT: new linings under Provisional Measure No. 599/2012 and Constitutional Amendment Bill 103/2011 (A guerra fiscal do ICMS: novos contornos à luz da Medida Provisória n. 599/2012 e da PEC 103/2011). Published in Temas aprofundados: magistratura, 2013, at 263-279 (co-author).

Administrative tax proceedings (Processo administrativo tributário). Published in CARF: questões controvertidas no processo administrativo fiscal, No. 18, 2012, at 882-917 (co-author).

Evolution of labor contracts and tax impacts on services rendered by legal entities: analysis of article 129 of Law no. 11.196/2005 (Evolução do contrato de trabalho e os impactos tributários na prestação de serviços personalíssimos por pessoas jurídicas: uma análise do art. 129 da Lei n. 11.196/2005). Published in Revista Dialética de Direito Tributário, No. 202, Jul./2012, at 24-35 (co-author).

Vice-President of the Brazilian Bar’s Arbitration Special Committee (2022 - present).

Director and Secretary-General at the Mediation and Arbitration Center of the Brazil-Portugal Chamber of Commerce (2019-present).

Vice-President of the Brazilian Legal Society at NYU Law (2017-18).

Secretary General at the Special Committee on Foreign Law Advisors' Societies from the Brazilian Bar Association's Federal Council (2019 - present).

Member of the Brazilian Bar Association's Arbitration Committee in São Paulo.

Practitioner in domestic and international arbitrations, and in highly complex and specialised disputes.

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